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Friday, October 18, 2024

Teeth Whitening at Home

Teeth whitening. What is that and what does it involve?

Teeth whitening is the process by which a kind of bleach is used to whiten your teeth; not dazzling white, but a few shades lighter than they were before.

Is it harmless, you may ask?

Teeth whitening is safe if you visit a dental professional’s office like a dentist. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), it is also safe if done at home if the products you use are approved by them.

How long does it last? That’s another question you must be wondering about.

If done by a professional, one session can last anywhere from six months up to three years. If done at home using over-the-counter products, the results there are much shorter, just a few months.

There are natural remedies you can try at home which we will get into., but let’s start with the basics.

  1. Practice Good Dental Hygiene

    Teeth will get food stuck between them, and nicotine and some foods will stain them. Practicing good dental hygiene starts with brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily. Schedule annual visits with your dentist even if you have dentures, fillings, implants, or caps.
  1. Eat Foods That Will Whiten Your Teeth

    Strawberries are the first food to consider as a natural way to whiten your teeth. The malic acid found in strawberries is capable of both whitening and removing other surface stains from your teeth. They have been known to be mashed and used as toothpaste.
  1. Eat Your Fruits and Veggies!

    Any type of fruit or vegetable can whiten your teeth. They are natural stain removers and will create more saliva which helps keep teeth clean. The best kinds of fruits and vegetables are crisp ones like carrots and celery. As you chew, their crunchiness scrubs your teeth as you chew and helps remove stains.
  1. Brush After Eating or Drinking

    If you brush after you eat or drink, you’ll have the opportunity to swiftly remove any stains that have been left behind by any foods or drinks.
  1. Brush Your Tongue

    Brushing your tongue can also help keep your teeth white. Some bacteria collect on your tongue, and it could eventually relocate to your teeth and stain them over time. Brushing your tongue limits this possible problem.

Now that we’ve got the basics down, let’s look at a few of the many over-the-counter products easily available.

  1. Whitening Kits Recommended by Dentists

    a. The Opalescence Go kit contains ten pre-filled, single use whitening trays that resemble clear mouthguards, one for the top row and one for the bottom row of your teeth. They are to be used once daily for ten days and kept in place for fifteen to twenty minutes. You can talk with them on but don’t eat! When your time is up, remove the trays and brush your teeth. These trays can be used by those with sensitivity issues, and they come in two strengths, mint and melon flavors.

    b. The Burst Whitening Kit is similar to the one above, but the kit contains three pre-filled trays with slightly less hydrogen peroxide than Opalescence Go. The processing time is 15 minutes. Repeat for two days.
  1. Whitening Strips

    Crest 3-D Whitening Strips can be found in any drug store. They contain hydrogen peroxide to diminish staining and brighten teeth. Pull the backing off the strip, using one each over your top and bottom teeth, and leave it in place for 30 minutes. When your time comes to an end, remove the strips, and brush your teeth. Repeat daily for two weeks.

It is now time to look at some at-home remedies.

  1. Use Coconut Oil

    Coconut oil is a natural teeth whitener. Measure a spoonful, put it in your mouth, and swish it between your teeth for five minutes. If you don’t have five minutes, add a few drops to your toothpaste and brush away!

    Warning: Do not spit it out in any sinks or toilets. The oil will solidify and collect on your pipes.
  1. Use Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide
  2. Hydrogen peroxide is an antibacterial agent. When you mix two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with one teaspoon of baking soda, you’ll end up with a paste you can brush your teeth with for whiter teeth. This can be done once or twice a week.
  3. Use either a 1.5% or a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution as mouthwash before you brush your teeth.
  4. Mix one teaspoon of baking powder and one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to make a paste. Use this paste to brush your teeth. Results can be seen in just two minutes.
  5. Another natural item with antibacterial properties is sea salt. Mix half a teaspoon of sea salt, a small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice, and a dab of toothpaste in a bowl. Spread the mixture on your teeth and leave it for a minute or two, then rinse thoroughly. This can be done twice a week.
  6. Rinsing with apple cider vinegar doesn’t sound too appealing. Add half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and use as a mouthwash daily. Leave it in your mouth for five minutes before rinsing out your mouth. Give it a try, but don’t go overboard with it. Apple Cider Vinegar is acidic. If used more than once a week, it can wear down your tooth enamel.
  7. Powdered milk and toothpaste are another natural way to whiten your teeth because milk contains calcium and phosphorous. Together they encourage the remineralization of your tooth enamel. Combine the powdered milk with your toothpaste once or twice a week for strong pearly whites – or add more dairy products to your diet.

As you can see there are so many ways to achieve dazzling, beautifully white, shiny teeth.
