Before you go, some of what you’re about to see may make you think twice about where you sunbathe…
This is silly. But we love it! We wonder how many shots had to be taken before they got the perfect angle. How, we ask ourselves, do you manage to get the horizon wonky when you must be lying on the ground? It adds to the carefree ridiculousness of the gag, though, so we’re all in with it.

That beach is empty. Do you think that she’s already eaten everyone else? We sincerely hope that she doesn’t start on the houses as the next course. In fact, maybe someone should alert the authorities and get a lot of firemen down there with some rope before she goes on a rampage! 10/10 for a lovely staging, gorgeously shot.
Stop, Thief!
We have a certain amount of experience with seagulls, and we have no doubt that this really happened. We are, however, willing to bet that the hat has been baited in some way. It’s just too much of a jammy shot to be unexpected, and the guy is making no move to grab his hat back.

Wait – maybe the gull has retrieved the hat and is giving it back to its owner. That would be so much cooler. In fact, we’re going to pretend that’s what’s happening because we like it so much better. Never mind that it’s more unlikely than hell freezing over! 8/10 for an awesome setup.
Just Checking
Do we want to be watching this? Someone does, evidently, because they saw what was happening and took a snap! When you’re part of a couple, the fact that you’re wandering around in what is basically underwear together can get a bit tempting, but this is the kind of thing best kept to the house.

Monkeying Around
We can safely say that we have never seen a chimpanzee look quite so happy. We’re not sure what he’s doing on the beach – well, ok, we can see what he’s doing, but why is he there in the first place? That grin tells us that he knows exactly where his hand is and that he’s taking full advantage of the moment.

Her grin, however, looks a little strained! It’s a difficult situation – you can’t help but feel a bit uncomfortable, but you’re not about to slap a 50kg chimp’s hand away now, are you? Never mind, it’ll all be over soon. We’re not sure, however, that we’d be putting that shot out onto the internet! 8/10 for seizing (literally) the day!
Digging Deep
We totally get this. We hate plastic chairs, too. When it’s super hot, those chairs make your legs and back slimy with sweat, not to mention how awkward they are to carry onto the beach. The fold-up deckchair style seats are much better, you know, the little, low ones. Of course, if you don’t have any of those handy, then this guy has the right idea.

Digging down into the cooler, damper sand is the way to go. That close to the shoreline, he may even be sitting in a pool of seawater. That might be a bit much for us, but each to their own. Carving out a hole that fits your body is always more comfortable than simply spreading a beach towel out on the surface. 7/10 for ingenuity.
Wave For The Camera
It might take a moment to notice the photobomber in this shot, but once you do, you can’t unsee him. Is he posing the same as the girls on purpose, or did the shot get snapped at exactly the right part of his backstroke as he swam past? As it happens, we think that the girls should have invited him out into the group.

It looks like our bomber is more into it than the girl at the end is. That’s a very half-hearted attempt at a pose. She’s leaning on that leg, not posing hand on hip, and her arm has barely made it above her head. Maybe someone should get her some water? 5/10 because we can’t tell if it’s good timing or smart photobombing.
In the Swing of It
Yowsers, that’s a pickle and no mistake! This, folks, is why you don’t swing a child when another child is on your shoulders. Looks like the little one thought it was so much fun they wanted to join in. Someone needs to explain to them that you can’t get swung with only one pivot point. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a flip.

We hope that she caught the baby on time! Dad’s ready to take big sibling so that Mom can use two hands, but we’re still pretty sure that at least two people end up on the ground at the end of this. Swinging is definitely a one-child-at-a-time job, and we hope that the little sibling gets to sit the next shot out. 10/10 for expressions of horror.
One for the Road
There are, of course, at least ten different explanations for what’s going on here, and they’re all relatively innocent. Innocent is boring, however, so we’re going to speculate to our heart’s content. Even a full-grown man has impaired coordination after just one beer, even if it’s not visible in anything other than reaction time, so we’re super impressed that this toddler is still toddling.

Do you think he’s off to get a refill? Maybe it’s his turn to get a round in. It’s a long shot, but maybe he’s just taking the bottle to the bin under the watchful eye of his mother. Whatever the story is, we don’t approve. Letting a small child loose with a glass bottle over an uneven surface seems to be asking for trouble to us. 0/10 for bad judgment.
Carbon Copy
We’re not sure about this one. If the dog had achieved a pose very like the sign, it would have been cool. But someone has Photoshopped the exact silhouette of the dog and whatever it’s about to catch onto the sign, and that smacks of trying too hard. We’re super impressed with the dog himself, though. It’s a lovely photo, sharp, crisp, and taken just at the right moment.

Is the dog trying to catch something thrown for it, or is that something much bigger in the background, like a helicopter? We want it to be the latter because as a stone, that looks like it’s going straight down that critter’s throat to choke him! What’s the sign supposed to be warning us about? Jumping dogs? Flying stones? 4/10 for not getting the point.
Giddy Up!
The question that first comes to mind is, what were they doing with a horse’s head on the beach in the first place? Oh, wait, they must be part of the group in the background, but they’re a bit slow. It’s nice of the main group to wait for them then. Maybe that poor, erm, horse is slow because he’s cold. He seems to have a lot fewer clothes on than everyone else!

Still, it looks like everybody is having fun, and that’s what’s important. We rather think that if we were these cheeky chaps, we’d make sure that we’d made ourselves scarce by the time those riders made it over to their spot. Who knows if any of them possess a sense of humor? 11/10 for preparation and pure cheek.
Will he get those monkeys in line so she can share her snacks out equally? Or will he turn out to be the biggest baby of them all and insist that he gets the lot? She’s doing a great job of keeping control right now, but we don’t like her chances if they decide to swamp her. 7/10 for not losing her cool.
Before we address the bomber, let’s take a second to appreciate the careful coordination of our lovers’ get-ups in this picture. Black and grey, grey and black. You almost wonder if they’ve inadvertently put on each other’s tops! This is the kind of couple that finishes each other’s sentences, right?

As for the lovely specimen in the background… That is some high-level posing. Our favorite part, however, has got to be the swiftness with which this photobomb was carried out. Looks like this guy made a dive for the sand that had enough momentum to carry him into the picture, but his shorts don’t slide on sand so well – he doesn’t want to stand up in a hurry! 9/10 for enthusiasm and posing skills.
If you see a bluebird with an orange-spotted breast and darker blue bands on its wings, what noise do you expect it to make? Our bets are that this feathery duo honks like a heron rather than quacking like a duck. It seems strange -there’s so much material up top that there didn’t seem to be much left for the rest of the outfit!

Shhh! Don’t tell anyone, but we’re of the opinion that this is Photoshopped. For a start, we can’t equate that expression with that bikini top. Also, those ducks(?) don’t follow the laws of physics. They’re a pretty obvious add-on, but we like them, just the same. 5/10 – clumsy, but worth a chuckle.
Bikini Fail
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is a huge bikini fail, but we ask you, on whose part: that of the girls or the designer? Those bottoms look very wrong to us, but on the other hand, from what we can see, we can’t work out how else they should go on. It might help if we could see the front, but we don’t hold out much hope.

Why did these girls think that going out as a matching set would be a good idea? And, don’t they feel lop-sided? This reeks of one of those impulse buys from a beachfront shop that they’re going to regret when they get home. Especially when they find out that they’ve become an internet meme… 4/10 for bad choices.
Growing Pains
Someone is going to be in trouble when a certain lady sees this photo, we think. That’s probably a very nice pair of legs from a normal vantage point, but seen from this angle, and with the toddler positioned just so, well, it’s not flattering, is it? It is funny, though. The shot is just right, and it really looks like the baby and the woman are one.

It seems almost impossible that the child could be far enough in front of where (we hope) the top half of the woman lies hidden. We suppose that it could just be a weirdly proportioned and very agile person we’re looking at, but somehow, we doubt it. 6/10 for being in the right place at the right time.
Head for the Beach
Here’s another one! These headless beings just love the beach. We guess it’s all the room to run around and not crash into stuff. This guy looks like he’s taking his fate with a grain of sand, and keeping his sense of humor about it all.

Maybe, if these two got together, they could do some head swapping. One could hold on to the other’s head while they swim, they’d get a much better view from higher up. There must certainly be a better solution than getting the bottom of their necks all sandy – that’s got to be a nightmare to clean! 8/10 just because we like it.
The Surfing Nun
Well, this is something you don’t see every day. We suppose that it makes sense that even nuns get a day off now and then, but you’d think that they would have a slightly more modified outfit for the occasion – a wetsuit covers just as much as a habit! But wait… Is this not really a nun?

That looks like Spiderman in the background there. Maybe this is a charity event of some kind? That does raise the question of who the other guy is trying to be because it doesn’t look like he’s made much effort to us. Whether she’s the real thing or not, this lady is not a bad surfer. Maybe she’s praying that none of the loose parts of that costume get caught up! 10/10 for being the coolest nun.
Rays of Happiness
This shot gets weirder the more that you look at it. A giant ray photobombing these poor unsuspecting girls is pretty cool on its own, but the plot thickens when you realize that there’s a guy right behind that fish! Is it a real fish? Has he thrown it on them? How?? Maybe he’s there to entice the fish up there, then hold it to keep it steady for the photo.

But the ladies obviously didn’t know it was coming, which begs the question, what is everyone doing, with inflatable lifejackets, in waist-high water, in the shadow of a large-looking ship? 5/10 – what could have been an awesome photobomb is ruined by evidence of trickery.
Just No
Hmmm. This seems like the least fun beach in the world. No dogs and no bikes, we can get on board with, but no swimming either? Any stretch of sand that disallows cooling off after a long sunbathe should be dedicated to sports or pets, in our humble opinion. This little girl certainly can’t believe her eyes.

Ok, so she should probably have Googled where she was going, but still, you’d expect to be able to use at least one of her accessories. If we were here, we’d be setting up our camp, dog and all, right there before the sign. But the best thing that she can do is get on that bike and find somewhere else to go play. 8/10 for the attitude in that young lady’s stance!
Calling Card
This has to be some sort of bachelor party, right? Not only has this guy been buried up to his neck, but some bright spark has also scattered potato chips around his face to encourage the seagulls. Maybe it’s some sort of extreme endurance test? He doesn’t have a lot of expression on his face, though, do you think he’s asleep?

It doesn’t look like the chips agree with the gulls if you get what we mean. But at least this man has been buried by sympathetic friends – look, they’ve carefully covered up his hair so it doesn’t get, ahem, dirty, and they’ve let him keep his sunglasses on for protection. 9/10 – with friends like that, who needs enemies?
Swim Suit?
We cannot begin to fathom what is happening here. We have a man in a suit on a beach. Add to that the… thing… that he’s carrying. Is he with that lady? Why is she not wearing something more formal? The small child looks like she wants to ask the couple something, but let’s face it, the list of questions is long enough that she doesn’t know where to start!

The other girl is just trying to work out what the gentleman is holding onto. So are we. We want to say cat. But the ears are too big, the legs too small, and does it have a forked tail?? Perhaps it’s a mini minotaur. 10/10 because this scene couldn’t get any stranger.
Just One of the Girls
Now, this is the way to bomb a photo. It looks like this guy was taking his daily run along the sand when he spotted this girl gang prepping for a picture, and just couldn’t resist joining in. He was probably long gone before the girls got to the photo and object! He’s got the pose just right, and the goofy grin, too.

We wonder who the photographer is and whether he could keep a straight face as he snapped the moment. He’s keeping the girls’ attention by being super funny, by the looks of it, but I think they might want to give him an unscheduled dunking when they see that – we hope that he took some backups sans runner! 8/10 for suspected collusion.
This young lady looks like she’s having a lovely time posing in the wet sand here, but our eyes are inexorably drawn to the person in the background. Is she ok?? The wet sand near the waterline is not the usual place for sunbathing, and that’s rather a spread-eagled position.

We’re trying really hard not to look at the boob situation here. That looks uncomfortable, to say the least. Add to that the swim hat pulled down over her face, and we’re getting genuinely worried. Has she just been washed up to shore, or did she just fall over backward in a faint? We hope that that’s help we can see approaching reflected in the sand. 0/10 for self-absorption.
An Arresting Photo
‘Allo, ‘allo, what’s all this then? If someone is walking into a camera shot, they’re not obliged to stop, especially if they happen to be the police escorting someone back to the station for questioning! We love the level of obliviousness going on here – the police oblivious to the shot, the girls oblivious to the police right in front of them, and the cameraman oblivious to his photobombers.

Only the young criminal seems to have his eyes in working order this day, as he’s clocked the camera. Is that an apologetic face, or is he protesting his innocence? We wonder what he was doing to get himself arrested on the beach… 3/10 for observation skills.
The Daddy
This is not a great photo. The horizon is wonky, one girl is wearing mountains on her head, another is half in the shade. The best thing about it, apart from the gorgeous girls and their fabulously coordinated bikinis, is the guy in the background trying to be cool.

The main problem for us, however, is that this is not a brave photobomb. If you’re going to do this kind of thing, do it properly. The half-assed posing way in the background is just not good enough. He wants to be running in just behind them, maybe even kicking some water to make them duck away. This, my friends, is a wannabe bomber. 4/10 for being a douche.
That’s Not Yoga
This photo is worrying. In fact, it might be downright terrifying. We get that the young lady is trying out a provocative pose, but she seems to be attracting the wrong crowd with it. The happy couple must have been there for more than a few seconds, why on earth did the photographer think it was a good idea to take the shot?

Frankly, it looks like she’s waiting for her turn. This is several levels of not ok. We are embarrassed and not a little disgusted that the taker and the poser of this photo thought that it would be fun to post it on the internet. 0/10 for seriously bad taste.
We’re trying to think of something to say to this, but honestly, what could it be? This person is covered in starfish. As far as we can tell, she’s actually covered in real starfish – no Photoshopping here. So… someone has taken the time and effort to collect starfish from a nearby rockpool and lay them carefully on this, for want of a better word, volunteer?

Maybe it’s a starfish invasion! More are coming, and soon she will disappear under a writhing mass of appendages. They’ll slip away, one by one, in the dead of the night, and tomorrow we’ll find just a perfectly laid out, polished skeleton. 7/10 for potential horror story plotline.
Together Apart
Awww, poor baby. There’s nothing like being the fifth wheel at a group event. It’s a bit of a mean photo, though, do you think he’s had it staged to send to a partner or potential partner who had to miss the trip? Otherwise, if I were him, I’d be choosing new friends to hang out with!

We’re assuming that this gang has enlisted the help of a passerby to take this shot. Hopefully, they’ll stick around for a while afterward and hang out with our lonely guy here. Then the couples can get on with… well, let’s not go there. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that this is the beginning of a beautiful new relationship… 3/10: Too mean to be true.
Beach Landing
Would you be this ecstatic if you’d just landed on the beach? We suppose it might be better than landing in the sea itself, and none of them appear to be wet, at least. Of course, the real news here is that those ladies both appear to be aliens. No helmet, no life support systems, just those big, blank, eyes. Scary.

Wait, those are sunglasses? They are real humans? In that case, we’d be suing if we were them, for the unfair distribution of equipment. Unless the aliens are under the space helmets… Ok, we’ve scared ourselves silly now. Let’s imagine that this is just some sort of fancy dress event. 8/10 for authenticity.
Don’t Lose Your Head
Hmm. This is pretty awesome, however, it was done. We can’t decide if it’s a clever bit of Photoshopping, or whether someone actually went through with getting their head buried at that angle, for a photo. She must be good at holding her breath, that’s all that we can say.

Of course, we can’t discount the possibility that this is just your regular headless lady, out for a sunbathe, carrying her head under her arm in the accepted manner. That’s got to make swimming difficult, however. Maybe her head sits on the sand and directs the body from there. There’s not too much to bump into in the sea… 9/10 for striking an impressive pose.
So Near and Yet So Far
Overprotective parent alert, overprotective parent alert… This is not what most families have in mind when they head out for a fun day in the sun on the golden stretch of beach local to them. Do you think that they brought their own water, too?

Maybe it’s this family’s first time, and they didn’t realize that next to the sand, you invariably get sea. Still, at least it’s private, we suppose. And the water is probably warmer than the ocean. And it’s one way to avoid getting sand everywhere. We do wonder if they’ve brought anything else along, though, like, we don’t know, towels?? 2/10 for the embarrassment factor.
Aww, how sweet. These tourists are missing their cold, snowy home. Bereft of their usual medium, they’ve had to make do with what they’ve got here. At least this ‘snowman’ won’t melt! It does look like he might be built a little too close to the tideline, however, so his time here, we think, is still limited.

We wonder if the snowman builders are also trying out sandy snowballs. Throwing sand is never welcome, and it would be a good way to get themselves a deserted stretch of beach! Usually, though, sandballs don’t hurt like snowballs, because they disintegrate in the wind. They just blind you instead. That’s so much better…? 3/10 for lack of creativity.
Spouting Gold
This photo is brilliant and disgusting at the same time. It can’t fail to engender a snort of laughter from most, but when you look more closely and see the second rainbow, it adds a whole new level. We assume that the bright bow of light is coming out of, ahem, the guy, but is the second stream exiting also, or entering in?

Is there another guy at the other end in a similar position? If so, then they’re drinking… No. Let’s not go there. The tradition is that the sun shines out of some people’s butts – this is new. We just hope that this guy’s equipment doesn’t get too hot to handle! 7/10 for creativity.
Take Three
It’s like looking at a screen that’s filming its own output – the image goes on infinitely, getting smaller and smaller. It takes a lot of work to get an Instagram photo just right – for the boyfriend-come-part-time-photographers, anyway. Looks like the middle guy is a bit under-equipped, though, he’s just got a phone on a selfie stick. Do you think that all three of these couples are together? They have coordinated their shots a bit too well for coincidence, we feel.

Something tells us that the next thing on these guys’ feeds will be glorious shots of seafood dinners, or maybe tropical cocktails at the beach bar. Hopefully, the boys will get in a shot for some of those – we’d hate to think of them missing out on the drinks! 9/10 for being some sort of clever social statement.
Crab Rehabilitation
Haha, this is a funny sign. Crabs smoking cigarettes! It’s going to raise a smile at the absurdity of the image for all who read it. People remember a good joke, and that’s why this beach authority has posted this – to try to get people to remember not to leave their butts on the beach.

The sad truth is that although they don’t light up and enjoy a smoke, the crabs and other sea life do suffer from the tobacco left in their habitat. It gets mixed up with their regular food, and they ingest it. This can cause serious health issues and even death overtime. So take an ashtray, or better yet, quit, like the crabs. 10/10 for innovation
Time Lapse
Get a load of the tan on this woman! That’s some serious bronzing, and it sets off her white hair beautifully. What other woman? Oh, yes, there’s someone in the background in the ocean. There’s always someone ready to ruin a great candid shot, isn’t there?

You’d think that the older lady would be a little more accommodating and just pause in her journey for the heartbeat that it takes to take a photo, considering that in her day, you only got 24 tries to a film. You had to shoot wisely back then, and you were stuck with the results. Mind you, if the photographer had grown up with old cameras, he’s have taken a quick look around before pressing the button and let her pass. 7/10 for just not giving a monkey’s.
Couch Surfing
We were so sure that this was Photoshopped that we had to go find out. You can imagine our surprise when we discovered that this is the real deal! The couch is inflatable, and this was the only time that the guys were still on it through a wave, but we’ve seen the video. Couch surfing is a thing.

This looks like a whole lotta fun, but also hard work, and really difficult to achieve. After watching how high the sofa bounced on some tries, we’re going to stick to the other kind of couch surfing – on the internet, browsing through sites like these for our thrills! 10/10 for, well, everything.
Over the Edge
Yes. Driving on down to the empty beach in the morning when it’s deserted to make doughnuts is fun and exciting. But, people; don’t forget to take note of the tide timetables. They’re essential to stop this kind of thing from happening. Or, at the very least, keep well clear of the waterline in case you lose control and skid.

Luckily, the driver of this unfortunate car has a lot of friends who are willing to help him get it out of the sea. Unless it’s a prototype amphibious vehicle, of course, and they’re actually launching it. It does look like they’re pulling outwards, but we like that idea, so we’re going with it. 9/10 for wishful thinking.
Cast Off!
This is blatantly staged, and we care not one whit. This is doggo cuteness overload, and we are lining up to be part of Captain Lab’s crew. Even the boat is cute. Family and friends take note; this is the beach we’re headed for this season. Look at his little face, he wants friends to come sail with him!

We are impressed with the photographer’s dog handling skills, too. Labs love the water, but it looks like this guy has yet to bounce on into the waves. That’s some training, right there. Plus, of course, he’s standing still and wearing a captain’s hat, not to mention fishing line, for some reason. 12/10 for being doggone awesome.
We get this. Someone has taken this on purpose to highlight the contrast between the two ladies. One is so elegantly poised, bronzed, with accessories that flatter and keep the sun off. She’s playing with her hair a bit self-consciously, but we’ll let her off this time. Then, there’s the other woman. What is she doing? We doubt that she’s sunbathing, half-buried in the wet sand as she is.

It doesn’t, however, look like she’s just fallen over. She seems to be looking for something. Also, she’s wearing underwear. Those bottoms are definitely not swimwear. Maybe she’s escaped from somewhere?? It’s a bit of a mean snap to take, but now it’s done, submit it to the missing persons department, quick! 5/10 – clever but cruel.
Tug of War
Awwwww, it’s a puppy photo. Beach becomes irrelevant as all our eyes are drawn to this sweet little furbaby and his mischievous antics. Hehe, he’s playing with that lady’s bikini top. She doesn’t seem too worried, however, and she must be able to feel him tugging.

Babies like to play, and it doesn’t look like this pupper is actually strong enough to undo that bow. He’s been trying long enough for someone to take a shot of it, after all, and she’s not even holding on to anything. It must be a double tied bow. We’ll never complain about a puppy picture, though, so 10/10 for cute factor!
Too School for Cool
This one has us wondering. What made this beach authority put this sign up? Yes, wearing sunglasses at night is daft, and you don’t so much look cool as you do forgetful, but where’s the actual harm in it? Are people ending up in the ER after bumping into each other?

Mind you, this looks like a beach that’s fond of rules. There are four more warning signs in that shot alone. Either there are some very disruptive, aggressive, or maybe plain stupid people attending that beach, or someone’s on a power trip. Unless the beach is really that dangerous, in which case, we’re off to the next one. 2/10 for pompousness in sign form.
Beach Landing
Would you be this ecstatic if you’d just landed on the beach? We suppose it might be better than landing in the sea itself, and none of them appear to be wet, at least. Of course, the real news here is that those ladies both appear to be aliens. No helmet, no life support systems, just those big, blank, eyes. Scary.

Wait, those are sunglasses? They are real humans? In that case, we’d be suing if we were them, for the unfair distribution of equipment. Unless the aliens are under the space helmets… Ok, we’ve scared ourselves silly now. Let’s imagine that this is just some sort of fancy dress event. 8/10 for authenticity.
Don’t Lose Your Head
Hmm. This is pretty awesome, however, it was done. We can’t decide if it’s a clever bit of Photoshopping, or whether someone actually went through with getting their head buried at that angle, for a photo. She must be good at holding her breath, that’s all that we can say.

Of course, we can’t discount the possibility that this is just your regular headless lady, out for a sunbathe, carrying her head under her arm in the accepted manner. That’s got to make swimming difficult, however. Maybe her head sits on the sand and directs the body from there. There’s not too much to bump into in the sea… 9/10 for striking an impressive pose.
So Near and Yet So Far
Overprotective parent alert, overprotective parent alert… This is not what most families have in mind when they head out for a fun day in the sun on the golden stretch of beach local to them. Do you think that they brought their own water, too?

Maybe it’s this family’s first time, and they didn’t realize that next to the sand, you invariably get sea. Still, at least it’s private, we suppose. And the water is probably warmer than the ocean. And it’s one way to avoid getting sand everywhere. We do wonder if they’ve brought anything else along, though, like, we don’t know, towels?? 2/10 for the embarrassment factor.
Aww, how sweet. These tourists are missing their cold, snowy home. Bereft of their usual medium, they’ve had to make do with what they’ve got here. At least this ‘snowman’ won’t melt! It does look like he might be built a little too close to the tideline, however, so his time here, we think, is still limited.

We wonder if the snowman builders are also trying out sandy snowballs. Throwing sand is never welcome, and it would be a good way to get themselves a deserted stretch of beach! Usually, though, sandballs don’t hurt like snowballs, because they disintegrate in the wind. They just blind you instead. That’s so much better…? 3/10 for lack of creativity.
Spouting Gold
This photo is brilliant and disgusting at the same time. It can’t fail to engender a snort of laughter from most, but when you look more closely and see the second rainbow, it adds a whole new level. We assume that the bright bow of light is coming out of, ahem, the guy, but is the second stream exiting also, or entering in?

Is there another guy at the other end in a similar position? If so, then they’re drinking… No. Let’s not go there. The tradition is that the sun shines out of some people’s butts – this is new. We just hope that this guy’s equipment doesn’t get too hot to handle! 7/10 for creativity.
Take Three
It’s like looking at a screen that’s filming its own output – the image goes on infinitely, getting smaller and smaller. It takes a lot of work to get an Instagram photo just right – for the boyfriend-come-part-time-photographers, anyway. Looks like the middle guy is a bit under-equipped, though, he’s just got a phone on a selfie stick. Do you think that all three of these couples are together? They have coordinated their shots a bit too well for coincidence, we feel.

Something tells us that the next thing on these guys’ feeds will be glorious shots of seafood dinners, or maybe tropical cocktails at the beach bar. Hopefully, the boys will get in a shot for some of those – we’d hate to think of them missing out on the drinks! 9/10 for being some sort of clever social statement.
Crab Rehabilitation
Haha, this is a funny sign. Crabs smoking cigarettes! It’s going to raise a smile at the absurdity of the image for all who read it. People remember a good joke, and that’s why this beach authority has posted this – to try to get people to remember not to leave their butts on the beach.

The sad truth is that although they don’t light up and enjoy a smoke, the crabs and other sea life do suffer from the tobacco left in their habitat. It gets mixed up with their regular food, and they ingest it. This can cause serious health issues and even death overtime. So take an ashtray, or better yet, quit, like the crabs. 10/10 for innovation
Time Lapse
Get a load of the tan on this woman! That’s some serious bronzing, and it sets off her white hair beautifully. What other woman? Oh, yes, there’s someone in the background in the ocean. There’s always someone ready to ruin a great candid shot, isn’t there?

You’d think that the older lady would be a little more accommodating and just pause in her journey for the heartbeat that it takes to take a photo, considering that in her day, you only got 24 tries to a film. You had to shoot wisely back then, and you were stuck with the results. Mind you, if the photographer had grown up with old cameras, he’s have taken a quick look around before pressing the button and let her pass. 7/10 for just not giving a monkey’s.
Couch Surfing
We were so sure that this was Photoshopped that we had to go find out. You can imagine our surprise when we discovered that this is the real deal! The couch is inflatable, and this was the only time that the guys were still on it through a wave, but we’ve seen the video. Couch surfing is a thing.

This looks like a whole lotta fun, but also hard work, and really difficult to achieve. After watching how high the sofa bounced on some tries, we’re going to stick to the other kind of couch surfing – on the internet, browsing through sites like these for our thrills! 10/10 for, well, everything.
Over the Edge
Yes. Driving on down to the empty beach in the morning when it’s deserted to make doughnuts is fun and exciting. But, people; don’t forget to take note of the tide timetables. They’re essential to stop this kind of thing from happening. Or, at the very least, keep well clear of the waterline in case you lose control and skid.

Luckily, the driver of this unfortunate car has a lot of friends who are willing to help him get it out of the sea. Unless it’s a prototype amphibious vehicle, of course, and they’re actually launching it. It does look like they’re pulling outwards, but we like that idea, so we’re going with it. 9/10 for wishful thinking.
Cast Off!
This is blatantly staged, and we care not one whit. This is doggo cuteness overload, and we are lining up to be part of Captain Lab’s crew. Even the boat is cute. Family and friends take note; this is the beach we’re headed for this season. Look at his little face, he wants friends to come sail with him!

We are impressed with the photographer’s dog handling skills, too. Labs love the water, but it looks like this guy has yet to bounce on into the waves. That’s some training, right there. Plus, of course, he’s standing still and wearing a captain’s hat, not to mention fishing line, for some reason. 12/10 for being doggone awesome.
We get this. Someone has taken this on purpose to highlight the contrast between the two ladies. One is so elegantly poised, bronzed, with accessories that flatter and keep the sun off. She’s playing with her hair a bit self-consciously, but we’ll let her off this time. Then, there’s the other woman. What is she doing? We doubt that she’s sunbathing, half-buried in the wet sand as she is.

It doesn’t, however, look like she’s just fallen over. She seems to be looking for something. Also, she’s wearing underwear. Those bottoms are definitely not swimwear. Maybe she’s escaped from somewhere?? It’s a bit of a mean snap to take, but now it’s done, submit it to the missing persons department, quick! 5/10 – clever but cruel.
Tug of War
Awwwww, it’s a puppy photo. Beach becomes irrelevant as all our eyes are drawn to this sweet little furbaby and his mischievous antics. Hehe, he’s playing with that lady’s bikini top. She doesn’t seem too worried, however, and she must be able to feel him tugging.

Babies like to play, and it doesn’t look like this pupper is actually strong enough to undo that bow. He’s been trying long enough for someone to take a shot of it, after all, and she’s not even holding on to anything. It must be a double tied bow. We’ll never complain about a puppy picture, though, so 10/10 for cute factor!
Too School for Cool
This one has us wondering. What made this beach authority put this sign up? Yes, wearing sunglasses at night is daft, and you don’t so much look cool as you do forgetful, but where’s the actual harm in it? Are people ending up in the ER after bumping into each other?

Mind you, this looks like a beach that’s fond of rules. There are four more warning signs in that shot alone. Either there are some very disruptive, aggressive, or maybe plain stupid people attending that beach, or someone’s on a power trip. Unless the beach is really that dangerous, in which case, we’re off to the next one. 2/10 for pompousness in sign form.